Manitoba Association of Personal Care Home Social Workers

2024 MAPCHSW Photo

Welcome To the Manitoba Association of Personal Care Home Social Workers


In 1972, the Social Workers employed in Personal Care Homes in Manitoba began meeting on a regular basis to exchange ideas related to social work services in PCH’s. We became a formal organization in 1974 when a Constitution was adopted. The Association has since grown to include membership from long term care facilities in Winnipeg and in all parts of rural Manitoba.


The Association meets regularly to discuss a wide range of topics pertinent to Social Workers in long term care settings. Meetings provide the opportunity to network with other Social Workers and to keep up-to-date with changes and new developments in the field.


The Association is run by an Executive Committee, with standing and ad-hoc committees in place as necessary. As an Association member, you are welcome to serve on the Executive or as a committee member. There is an annual membership fee which is due upon acceptance of your application. (See copy of the Constitution for details).


Meetings are currently held on the third Friday of each month, beginning at 9:00 a.m. Meetings are held in various facilities so that members can become familiar with other Personal Care Homes and long term care facilities. A tour of the hosting facility is offered at the end of each meeting. (See Meeting Location list).